
Ninja village walkthrough
Ninja village walkthrough

ninja village walkthrough

Answer "We Don't Know" to learn some more gameplay information. After a couple of rounds of inflicted hits, Kakashi should be down. Just attack Sasuke has strength enough that he can and will take out Kakashi without ever having to use his Jutsu. =-=-=- KAKASHI =-=-=-= Prize(s): None You can actually win this battle, so do not bother trying to throw it away. You can also learn about enemy weaknesses if you want at this point in time. Either way, once you are ready, go up to have a face off against Kakashi. Once again, you can IDEALLY train up to about Level 3 (in Sasuke's case, this will take a while longer), but you do not have to, as he has strong starting stats. Recover your HP and chakra at the Leaf symbol. Once you get to a split, go up to open the chest for some CHAKRA PILLS, then head slightly left and up. Continue around clockwise once you get to the bottom end of the small pond, be sure to open the chest for a SWEET CHESTNUTS before continuing south. Continue on left from the item chest and down. SASUKE - Head straight down from your starting point, and open the box for FOOD PILLS.

ninja village walkthrough

=-=-=-=- END FIGHT =-=-=-=-= After the cutscene is over, you will take over in the role of Sasuke. Kakashi will eventually end the pitiful fight with the Death Mirage Jutsu. =-=-=- KAKASHI =-=-=-= Prize(s): None Attacks: Evil Illusion: Death Mirage Jutsu Once again, the battle is rigged, so just attack with both of your characters thrice apiece. You may want to listen to him talk about Genjutsu. Build yourself up to Level 3 again, then go south to take on Kakashi (you will pair up with Sasuke for the battle). Equip it, then return partways up the path and go left to find the Leaf Village symbol. Loop around clockwise around the trees, then head all the way south to find a box with a WINGED NAIL in it. Proceed right, then when you get the chance, head south to obtain some CHAKRA PILLS from another box. SAKURA - Head north away from the clearing, then open the chest to your left for FOOD PILLS. =-=-=-=- END FIGHT =-=-=-=-= Another cutscene later, you will end up taking over Sakura's scenario. The fight will automatically end at this point in time, as the battle is rigged completely in Kakashi's favour. =-=-=- KAKASHI =-=-=-= Prize(s): None Attacks: A Thousand Years of Death Once the talking is done, just attack Kakashi with a regular attack three times in a row. Otherwise, just ignore it and get on with the fight. If this is your first time playing the game, AND basically your first time playing RPGs (as this is cookie- cutter gameplay), listen to what Kakashi has to say about Attacking. Once you are done, head right from the Leaf symbol, and you will meet Kakashi.

ninja village walkthrough

For the moment, I would recommend you be at least about Level 3, just to avoid problems further on (however, you should not have levelling difficulties for basically the rest of the game after this). You should find the Leaf symbol step over it to gain back lost Chakra and HP. Ignore the small pond you see and continue right and up. Once you come to another set of paths, go down and right to open another chest for a CUP RAMEN. Head back up, and then take the right path going down. You will come to a chest at the dead-end of the path that contains a HEXAGONAL STICK. You should end up coming to another split, this time a three-way fork. Head straight down past the stump in the meadow and then take the right path at the split (the left side will have rocks in the way that block you from going anywhere). head straight up from the beginning drop-off point and open the chest for FOOD PILLS. NARUTO - As Naruto, avoid doing battles for the first little bit, as you will have a ways to walk until you get to the Leaf Symbol that regenerates both HP and Chakra.

ninja village walkthrough

#Ninja village walkthrough full#

Once the full scene is over, you shall be split into three seperate groups. You will get two text options - it affects nothing, although choosing "Sakura" and "Sasuke" may be more amusing to you. FORMATION OF TEAM 7 - TRAINING FIELD - Items: Food Pills (x4), Chakra Pills (x2), Sweet Chestnuts, Hexagonal Stick, Winged Nails At the start of the game, watch through the long scene.

Ninja village walkthrough